Battleground Wisconsin

Fake Compromise



We discuss the Shared Revenue “compromise” between Governor Evers and the leaders of the Gerrymandered Legislature and dissect how it is more of a capitulation than an agreement between co-equal branches of government. We are joined by Sen. Chris Larson who voted against the bill and Amy Mizialko the president of Milwaukee Teachers Education Association to talk about why the deal is terrible for public education. We call on Gov. Evers’ to listen to the people and reconsider this historic growth of scarce public funding for unaccountable private voucher schools which can discriminate and cherry pick their students. President Mizialko urges our listeners on behalf of educators and parents across the state to call Gov. Evers at 608-266-1212 to ask him to reconsider. We close with a review of the historic Milwaukee Climate and Economic Equity plan public hearing at Milwaukee Common Council Wednesday as the city charts a course to cut greenhouse emissions almost in half by 2030 and become carbon neutral by 2050