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CES 2023: Tech Podcasts Network's Annual Top Picks



Every year, the hosts from the shows represented in the Tech Podcasts Network's CES coverage get together and award their Top Picks for the show.Vasco ElectronicsDon Baine the Gadget ProfessorVasco Electronics makes a series of language translation devices. These devices allow you to communicate with people around you even if you don't speak the language. Their newest device is tiny - coming in well under the size of a modern smartphone. The size makes it easy to carry around with you on an international vacation, business trip, or hanging out with a group of friends who speak different languages.The device comes with free internet access that works across most of the globe. This allows for access to the entire language database and translation matrix nearly wherever you go. This is good because the system currently supports over 100 languages, with the ability to add new languages with time.VoltSafeScott Ertz from PLUGHITZ LiveOne of the things that has become a normal sight at CES is standards. Whether it's