Creative Warriors

877: Marc Champagne – Personal Socrates: Cultivating Mental Fitness for Success



I often refer to myself as a wisdom junkie. I love a good quote or pearl of wisdom, and it never ceases to amaze me how one thing, one thing said in just the right way at the right time can change everything – or as our guest today says, “we’re all one question away from a completely different life.”  Today my guest Marc Champagne shares his insights into how to train our minds to work for us, not against us. Marc emphasizes the importance of cultivating resiliency, presence, and training our minds to be their best. He highlights the significance of habits, rituals, and intentions in supporting our journey towards our objectives. Marc stresses the importance of asking questions to enable us to go beyond the surface level and address the core of a problem. Join us for an insightful and empowering conversation that will help you enhance your mental fitness and achieve success in business and in life. Marc Champagne unpacks the mental fitness practices and reflective questions shaping the lives of some of the m