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Essence Group: IoT solutions for security and healthcare @ CES 2023



The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing technology that is revolutionizing the way we live. IoT solutions for safety are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to protect themselves and their families. IoT solutions can be used to monitor environmental conditions, detect falls, provide medical assistance, and more. Essence Group produces IoT devices for various industries around the world.SmartCare - Aging in Place TechnologyFor many seniors, living alone can become a challenge. However, giving up your autonomy can be a big change that many refuse to accept. For this, Essence has SmartCare, a line of connected devices to allow seniors to age in place. SmartCare devices include a wristband, an in-home monitor, and an app that helps both seniors and their caregivers keep track of vital signs. This way, seniors can maintain their independence while still maintaining the security they need. SmartCare devices can also be used to detect falls or other medical emergencies so help can be disp