Kevin Gill Show

Techno Destructo From Gwar! Kevin Gill Show Ep 143



Hunter Jackson aka Techno Destructo who co-founded GWAR and is an OG Scumdog Of The Universe sat down with KG as wild parrots flew overhead to discuss the origins of GWAR, Ivan Koloff, Comic books, special FX, Brian Kendrick, Hella Hot Sauce, Richmond Va, creation of Gwar characters, House Of Huntar. Parrots Of Telegraph Hill, PMA, Underground Wrestling Alliance, Sinn Bohdi, and MUCH more! Special Thanks to West Coast Design and Jake Sidehawk from Going Jones! Support the show at www.Patreon.Com/KevinGillShow Peep the new video interview series and subscribe at Merchandise at www.DignifiedBastard.Com and also PRO WRESTLING TEES!!! Tweet us and follow us! @OGKevinGill @KevinGillShow #PMA