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App-Elles's platform for fighting gender-based violence @ CES 2023



Gender-based violence is a serious issue that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It is a form of discrimination and oppression that affects women, men, and children around the world. Unfortunately, due to the widespread nature of gender-based violence, it can be difficult to prevent and address. Fortunately, there are a variety of solutions available to help combat this issue, such as App-Elles.Help prevent gender-based violenceOne way to help prevent gender-based violence is through the use of technology. App-Elles is designed to provide users with the ability to contact three personal contacts in the case of emergency, danger, or distress. This app also has an SOS function that can be heard on the opposite end, allowing the person to pick up and see where you are and get your GPS coordinates. Additionally, there are buttons that allow you to qualify the event and provide help if needed, as well as a 911 button that is pre-dialed.Education and awarenessAnother way to help prevent gender-ba