Tierra 100

The King Of The Jungle(森林之王)



The King of the JungleOne day, a fox was walking in the jungle. (有一天,一只狐狸在丛林散步。)Suddenly, a tiger jumped on the fox. (突然,一只老虎跳了出来。)The fox cried out “I am the King of the Jungle. How dare you try to hurt me!”(狐狸大喊:“我是森林之王,你怎么敢伤害我!”)The tiger looked at him. He was very surprised. “You are not the King of the Jungle. You are just a fox.”(那只老虎看了看他。他非常惊讶。“你不是森林之王。你只是一只狐狸。)“I am the King,” said the fox. “All the animals are afraid of me! Come with me and I’ll show you.” (”我就是王。“狐狸说:”所有的动物都害怕我!跟我来!“)The tiger followed the fox. They came upon a herd of deer. When the deer saw the tiger behind the fox, they ran away in fright.(老虎跟着狐狸。他们来到了一群鹿跟前,当鹿群看到狐狸身后的老虎,它们都害怕地跑开了。)Then the fox and the tiger came to some monkeys. The monkeys saw the tiger behind the fox, and they also ran away.(然后狐狸和老虎又来到了猴子面前。猴子看到狐狸身后的老虎,它们也都跑开了。)The fox turned to the tiger. “You see how the animals run away when they see me?”(狐狸转向老虎:“你看到了动物们看到我的时候是怎么跑开的了吧?”)“You are truly the King of the Jungle,” said the tiger. He bowed low and let the fox run