Tierra 100

The Duck Hunters(鸭子猎人)



The Duck HuntersOne day, two duck hunters went out to hunt some ducks. (有一天,两个鸭子猎人出去打猎。)Soon they saw a big duck. Both men wanted to catch the duck. The duck flew close to them. (不一会,他们看见了一只大鸭子。两个人都想抓住那只鸭子。鸭子飞到了他们旁边。)“That duck will be very good in our soup,” said the first man. “I love soup.”(”那只鸭子做汤一定非常好喝。“ 第一个人说:”我喜欢喝汤。“)“No,” said the other man. “When I catch this duck, I will roast it. A good roast duck is better than soup.”(”不,“另一个人说:”等我抓到那只鸭子,我就烤着吃。烤鸭可比鸭汤好吃多了。“)The two hunters argued about which was better—duck soup or roast duck. Soon they were yelling at each other. (那两个猎人争论着是烤鸭好还是鸭汤好。很快,他们开始互相叫喊。)The duck flew away and they had nothing for dinner. (那只鸭子飞走了,他们晚饭没得吃了。)I. Word List (词汇列表)hunter: a person who kills animals for food (猎人)roast: a kind of cooking (烤)