Tierra 100

My New Dog(我的新狗狗)



My name is Emily. I am eight years old.(我叫艾米莉,我8岁了。) Last week my family and I got a new dog. (上周我们家来了一只新狗狗。)He is an Irish Setter. (他是一只爱尔兰塞特犬。) We named him Blaze because he is red like fire.(我们叫他“火焰”因为他红的像火。)We didn't get Blaze from a pet shop. (我们不是在宠物店买的火焰。)We got him from the dog pound. (我们是从狗狗收容所得到的。)There were many dogs there. They did not have owners.(那有很多狗狗,他们都没有主人。) Some of them looked sad. I chose Blaze. (有一些狗狗看起来很伤心。我选择了火焰。)I am happy to have my new dog. It is important to take care of animals. (我很开心拥有自己的新狗狗。照顾动物是很重要的。)Having a dog is a lot of work. My parents help me feed and exercise him every day. Blaze is my best friend.(养狗是个大工程。我的爸爸妈妈帮我每天喂狗遛狗。火焰是我最好的朋友。)Word list:(词汇列表)dog pound: a place where people can adopt dogs that don't have owners (狗狗收容所)blaze: a large fire (一场大火)