Teaching Artistry With Courtney J. Boddie

Episode 62, ACT 2: Make Space, Give Grace - In Conversation with "Start the Conversation"



We’re back with Episode 62, Act 2: “Make Space, Give Grace,” featuring Caitlyn McCain, Teaching Artist and Education Associate for Public Engagement with New York City Children's Theater (NYCCT), and Lindz Amer, creator of the video series “Queer Kids Stuff” and author of the book, “Rainbow Parenting.” This act is packed with rich discussion about gender and the conversations happening now in legislative bodies and learning spaces across the country about how we see (or don’t see) and understand (or don’t understand) gender. In their chat, the second in our three-part series, “In Conversation with ‘Start the Conversation,’” Courtney, Caitlyn and Lindz cover topics like pushing back against the current wave of anti-LGBTQIA legislation on the federal and local levels, book bannings and filling the void of Queer representation in TYA. In an effort to confront all of these issues, they discuss a shared interest: developing engaging education content that invites adults to have big conversations with kids about a