SAGE Mindset Podcast

The Power of Being Present: Making Wise Decisions in Business and Life with Juanita Kapp



In this episode of the Blue Shirt Leadership podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Juanita Kapp, a successful entrepreneur, public speaker, and martial artist. Juanita shares her insights on personal awareness, framing mindset for business success, and when to walk away from a business situation. Notable Quotes: "Our mindset is imperative in anything that we do." "I make sure the people I listen to are people that value me, that love me, that believe in my mission. And if there are outsiders that criticize or that try to impart, I sift it out." "Our thoughts are very, very powerful things. If we don't disrupt the negative ones, they start to fester. If we don't address them and put them back in the place where they belong, the negative thoughts, they really tend to take over." Show Notes: Introduction [00:00:01] Kyle introduces the podcast and his guest, Juanita Kapp, and mentions that he will be a keynote speaker at a conference that Juanita is putting together. Growing in Personal Awareness [00:03:20]