Creative Warriors

873: Anthony Trucks – The Challenges When Where You End Up is Very Different Than Where You Started



One of the things that intrigues me about the journey of success and being a high achiever is the internal challenges, often unexpected, that we face when where we end up in life is very different than where we started. In today’s episode, I talk with Anthony Trucks about his personal journey of transforming his identity and overcoming challenges. Anthony shares his own experience of feeling stuck between his current and desired selves, what he calls the "identity gap." He emphasizes the need to tap into something deeper and darker than positivity alone to overcome obstacles. Anthony offers valuable insights on changing your mindset, beliefs, and habits to achieve your goals. Join us as we discuss how to make an identity shift and bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. This conversation will inspire you to transform your identity and reach success beyond your expectations. Anthony Trucks is a former Foster Child, NFL Football Player, Competitor on American Ninja Warrior, Author, Shift