The Manwhore Podcast: A Sex-positive Quest For Love

Ep. 171: Feminist Killjoy Kitty Stryker on Fat Chicks and Call-Out Culture



Kitty Stryker is a feminist killjoy—and her tattoo will be the first to let you know it! “If I watched stand-up comedy, I would break my laptop in half,” the queer activist and writer says. Kitty joins me for a lively discussion about call-out culture and modern feminism. We agree that it’s important to do more than just shout and be angry. That’s why she’s writing a ‘zine titled “So You Got Called Out” to show what to do after you’ve been force-fed pages upon pages of feminist theory. Because action is important. And Kitty Stryker is all about action. Enjoy some lively debate—with some light-hearted talk about cannibalism—on an all-new Manwhore Podcast! PLUS: privilege, Patton Oswalt, #PayForYourPorn, pagans, Muki’s Kitchen, and election night orgies! RSVP for next week’s Fanwhore Facebook Live Hangout! You can pre-order Kitty’s book Ask: Building Consent Culture today! Be sure to check out Kitty Stryker on the interwebs: Website Twitter: @KittyStryker Instagram: @MissStryker Patreon Join our fanwhore