Writing Excuses

Writing Excuses Episode 28: Writing for Webcomics with Phil and Kaja Foglio



This is the first of five episodes recorded on location at WorldCon 66 in the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. Brandon, Dan, and Howard are joined by Phil and Kaja Foglio, and we discuss writing for webcomics... no, wait... writing for "sequential picture-assisted storytelling." Phil and Kaja are the creators of Girl Genius, the web's foremost hunk' o' steampunk -- and we here at Writing Excuses are big fans. During our short time together they help us understand the nuances of creating Girl Genius pages, writing to the outline of the story, and crafting their dialog. The Foglios (and Howard) have a little bit of advice for folks looking to start their own webcomic, too. (Mmmmm.... Grizzly Bear Soup!)