Creative Warriors

869: Israel Duran – Money Mindsets: Breaking Through Your Revenue Ceiling



I’ve come to really like referring to limited thinking and mindsets as ceilings, because I think it really encompasses the problem. A limited mindset is a ceiling sitting on or close to your head, not enabling you the space you need to grow to your next level, particularly when it comes to money mindsets, which is what we're going to talk about today. My guest Israel Duran discusses the concept of a revenue ceiling, which can be both a hard barrier and a self-imposed mindset. He explains that to overcome this ceiling, you must become a different person and let go of the things that helped get you to where you are now. Israel offers three areas to focus on: mindset, toolset, and skillset, and emphasizes the importance of asking yourself who you need to become in order to break through the barrier. Whether you’re feeling stuck or simply looking to take your business to the next level, I’m sure you will find valuable insights and actionable steps in this conversation. Founder Israel Duran is known as the only “