

In this episode, Jeremy shares his perspectives on overcoming trials and tribulations, staying disciplined to achieve the final goal, and how he was able to turn his life around by walking with God. 13:45 - Do you prefer riding in Uber or Lyft?  18:35 - Origin of Jeremy’s story.   30:42 - “Don’t be conceited in your own sin.” Your shortcomings are never shameful to God. He can and will use your situations for his glory! 41:30 - Jeremy Shares his story  of what it took mentally, spiritually and physically to abstain from his wife. He was able to draw nearer to God as a result of walking in uncomfortableness.  1:03:04 - What sacrifices or challenges will you need to endure to keep walking in success? 1:06:29 - Announcement of collaboration with Jeremy Anderson, Inky Johnson, an Eric Thomas for the Next Level Speakers Academy. Checkout Next Level Speakers Academy to get the cheat-code and the most practical step-by-step formula to clarify your message, market your message and monetize your message t