Art Hounds

Art Hounds: Evan Abrahamson's dreamy landscapes



Updated: 9:35 a.m. Daniel Doktori and his wife moved to Minneapolis and found painter Evan Abrahamson's work at local art fairs.  “We kept running into Evan and his booth and his work. And we really fell in love with it,” Doktori says. “His work is oil on canvas. And it combines this kind of really impressive skill in terms of rendering lifelike images of both landscapes and people with this kind of blurring technique that results in a kind of a haunting or like a dream-like type image and we think it's really quite wonderful.” The show at Gallery 360 in Minneapolis runs through May 28. Merritt Olsen recently moved to Minnesota from the West Coast and recommends the Rochester Civic Theatre’s production of “The Miracle Worker” on stage through Sunday. Olsen recommends the play not only because it's a “wonderful, timeless play,” but also because there's an exhibit called “Child in a Strange Country” that accompanies it. “This exhibit highlights the Innovations in Education for the blind and the