The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Power Couples - MTP351



Co-Host Emily McKay ( You hear the term 'power couple' quite a bit, but what exactly does it mean? We know one when we see one, for sure. But is it necessarily a good thing? Would we want to team up with our WAGs to BE one? If so, how do we BECOME one? Well, let's first get this out in the open: I'm not sure whether my wife Emily and I are indeed a 'power couple' or not, especialy after this entertaining and informative as it was. So then, how about it? What kind of 'power' are we talking about here, anyway? What does it take for a couple to add up to more than the sum of their individual parts? What are the actual, real-world traits of a 'power couple'? Can a couple be a 'power couple' simply by acting like one, or does that distinction have to be earned...if not bestowed upon them by others? What are the different ways can a couple indeed be powerful? Doesn't the expectation to be a 'power couple' put a lot of pressure on spouses, especially if one wants