Core Education

LEARNZ Volcanoes podcast Taranaki



The following questions are answered by volcano eperts: 1. Shane, tell us a bit more about your work with regarding resilience to a possible Taranaki eruption. 2. Nathan, Lena, Shane, what are some special moments in your jobs studying volcanoes that really stand out? 3. What would be the impact on us in coastal Taranaki (Okato) of a Taranaki eruption? 4. In an eruption, would all the bridges be destroyed by lahars and would we be cut off in Okato? 5. Have our evacuation points been identified for Okato? 6. The shape of our mountain is iconic. Would its shape be changed by an eruption? 7. Were our famous, now destroyed, Pink and White Terraces travertine? 8. How does Aotearoa compare to other countries regarding volcanoes and earthquakes? 9. Okato school is into gardening. How has the volcano made the soil good for that?