ADHD Support Talk Radio

Prioritizing, Energy Management and ADHD



People with ADHD often beat themselves up because they think they don't know how to prioritize. In this ADHD Support Talk Radio Podcast Episode Co-hosts Tara McGillicuddy and Lynne Edris   talk about the role that energy management plays in being productive and getting things done. Maybe its more about understanding and managing energy than it is about prioritizing.  Learn more about the connection between Prioritizing, Energy Management and ADHD in this episode. Tara McGillicuddy has been known and celebrated in the ADHD community for decades of practical and long-lasting shifts in tens of thousands in her communities. The creator of, The ADHD Awareness Expo and ADHD Support Talk Radio Tara is one of the longest-standing leaders in the field. Over the years she has also honed her natural skills as an empath. She now also combines the rare gift of sight and energetic knowing and her latest project is Empath Now a resource to help Empower Empaths. Podcast Co-Host Lynne Edris s a Productivity &a