Friends At The Table

PALISADE 05: I Would LIke to Help You Pt. 2



This episode carries content warnings for the discussion of blood and uncanny bodily manipulation. With one mission behind them and a new one approaching quickly, the crew of the Blue Channel finds time to relax in the most unlikely of places. But, as the colorful clouds gathering above remind us, no clear day lasts forever. This week on PALISADE: I Would Like To Help You Pt. 2 this river... Dossier Organizations The Twill: Though many groups have lived on the world of Palisade over the years, the Twill can trace their time on the world back the furthest. Though a first glance appraisal might make one think that their defining trait is the moss that covers much of their bodies and allows them to live on sunlight and water alone, in fact their most unshakable cultural trait is a practice of collaboration, aid, and acceptance. When groups like Advent, Kesh, the New Earth Hegemony, and the Divine Principality left Palisade behind, they often left behind the disaffected or unwanted. It was often, if not alw