Environment And Climate News Podcast

Sen. Ron Johnson on Climate, COVID, and Government Control at Heartland Institute Climate Conference



 U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) speaks at The Heartland Institute's 15th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC15) on Feb. 25, 2023. Sen. Johnson discusses how his Congressional colleagues utilize every opportunity to erode on Americans freedoms. Whether it's a non-existent climate crisis, COVID-19, or something else, the goal is always the same; increase bureaucratic control. The Fifteenth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC15) featured more than 50 speakers who are top scientists in their fields and policy experts from around the world.  Each edition of these conferences attracts scientists, legislators, environmentalists, and more all discussing their views on climate science, the idea that there is a crisis, efforts to educate the public, views on the state of discourse, and more.Visit these sites for more great climate information from The Heartland Institute:Heartland's climate issue suitehttps://heartland.org/topics/environment-energy/Environment & Climate Newshttps://heartland