Wake Up Project: Inspiration + Courage + Kindness

Graham Long: Captured by the Awesome



Graham Long wears two watches. One is his regular watch. The second belonged to his son, James. It stopped at one minute to midnight during the first year of James’ death – a reminder to live in the present moment. Graham doesn’t care what car he drives, how big his house is or whether you think he’s doing a good job. He also believes that people are not problems to be solved, but people to be met. He reminds us to let go of the ‘expert mode’ and meet people in the ordinary moments of life. This is what he calls ‘the invitation into the awesome’. Graham Long is a community leader, accomplished author and CEO and Pastor of the renowned Wayside Chapel in Kings Cross. For over fifty years, Wayside has provided unconditional love, care and support for people on and around the streets. Graham has touched the lives of thousands of Australians and created a community free of judgment and the normal barriers that divide society into ‘us’ and ‘them’. Graham’s motto for Wayside is 'Love Over Hate' and he believes that