Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

April Energy Explained: Numerology, Astrology Dates, and Angel Cards for the Month Ahead



Are you ready to manifest change and step into the truth of who you really are? In this episode I explore the themes of numerology, astrology dates, and angel cards to guide you through this significant time. Discover the powerful energy shifts that will take place as we move from fiery Aries into dependable Taurus energy, and learn how to harness this energy to manifest a better way of living. Explore the significance of the number four, the protection it offers, and how to create solid foundations for growth. Learn about the healing secrets that the Full Moon in Libra brings, and the chance to let go of limiting beliefs and step into your truth with a huge Total New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. Finally, embrace the slower pace of Taurus season and ground your dreams into reality with the help of your Angels and guides. Enjoy this video to connect with your Guardian Angel straight away so that you can raise your vibration, feel your Angels presence and receive clear guidance: https://courses.sandr