Shepherd Center Radio

The Latest Mainstream and Alternative Treatments for Chronic Back Pain



“Ow! I hurt my back!” I imagine you have said this, out loud or to yourself, at some point in your life.Most low back injuries involve lifting, bending or twisting in the wrong way. There are many different little back muscles, all connected by tendons to the bones in your spine.The medical staff at Shepherd Pain Institute ventures beyond narcotics to treat pain. Some examples:   •Nerve blocks – injections of medication into a specific area of the body. These are used to both diagnose and treat pain.   •Neuromodulation – implanted electrodes, or pacemaker-like devices, that stimulate the spinal cord.    •Biofeedback – using thoughts to control the body and relax certain muscles. This is both a treatment option and a coping mechanism.   •Manual (osteopathic) therapy – manual manipulations to bones that can sometimes relieve pain.Listen in as Erik Shaw, D.O., discusses lower back pain and how Shepherd Pain Institute can help ease your pain.