Le Haute Paire

Episode 052 - That 'Rona



This week's mini-episode is all about that 'Rona. Y'all know what I'm talking about too, COVID-19/Coronavirus. As many of us are preparing to hunker down for some social distancing I wanted to share a few tips to make working from home a bit easier, as well as a few TV binge recommendations in case you have the time off work. I touched on how I feel about folks clearing shelves at stores just because they can. I also shared some pretty standard (in my opinion) prevention tips. You know the drill, make your coffee/tea and tuck in for a good episode. While you're at it, share it with a friend! I know the media can be a bit much at times, so if you want to limit your news intake to valid sources for just information then please check out the CDC's website and the World Health Organization's website.