Ned Specktor

One Direction SMASH and why Panera's New Menu is PHENOM :)



Just rockin high neck lululemon podcast fam let's go!!!!!! :)))) Honestly how PHENOM is @onedirection like for realz? This song is the jam :) On the realz though, please accept my apologies for not posting an episode in a while. Does anyone else out there get so caught up in logistics and filming and editing and the right studio and on and on and on and excuse after excuse for not working on things you love? I think a lot of it is fear so I say no more :) No more excuses. I want to do this show more. I just love tryin to spark some joy in your life so if nothing else we can just sing together and talk about things like @panerabread’s new awesome menu. Cool? I’m in if you’re in and we can be not fancy together and I can record episodes in my @ugg slippers and be a week or so late on a haircut and no one will judge. Love ya podcast fam. Happy Saturday night or whenever you are listening :) Send me an email and let me know what else you'd like to have on the show and or a song request!! :)  -Ned ned@happymo