Lane Kawaoka

Podcast #108 - Rocky Lalvani recalls 2000 & 2008 corrections and regrets not getting started earlier with a little marriage family advice



YouTube Link: Text “simple” to 314-665-1767 to download the Hui Google Drive files and the 2018 Rental Property Analyzer Please help the show by leaving a review: Join the Hui Deal Pipeline Club! Pardon the grammar - I'm an Engeneer, Enginere, Engenere... I'm good with math! Here are the Show Notes: Currently have 5 rentals and 80k of income and trying to paying off rentals because near retirement Also flips properties where the goal is 20k profit He outsources much of the work Got rentals in 2011 and regret not doing it earlier Got hammered in 2008 Got out of the market in 2000 Interest rates are very low which is different that past times which means a good time to lock in loans, stocks are pretty high Real estate is not for everyone and might have a wrong skill set If you don't want to do the work be a hard money flipper but only make 10% (you need to have the mo