Breakout Sessions With Chad Nedland

Celebrate the Small Wins



Celebrating small wins is one of the greatest ways to help shape and mold our identity as a winner.  If we consistently wait for the "BIG WIN" before we celebrate we deprive ourselves of feeling like the winners that we are. If we never feel like a winner, we will never reach for the bigger goals, for the next step, or for the next level in our lives.  Join Chad as he shares three separate ways to increase the winning mentality in your life. If you are ready to take your life to the next level I have created something for my listeners. You can get my free audiobook "The Book On Being Better" for free at the link below. This is just for you my listeners. Take advantage of this great resource as it outlines the very principles that I have used to frame my life.  The fun thing is that you have done so as well. What I will show you in this audio is how to actually use them to your advantage and position yourself ahead of everyone else. You can get it here! --- Send in a voice me