Mark Pires Real Talk

Don’t ever give up, everyone expects that. Day 405 in a row of Mark Pires Real Talk!



On the 42nd episode of Mark Pires Real Talk the podcast I come to the realization that every single show should go right to podcast each night! So, get ready for a new Real Talk every single day! On Sunday 2-9-20 I share the importance of continuing on because the world expects us to quit before we reach our greatest self. Don’t let anyone but your heart speak to you and drive you forward. On December 31st 2018 I started Mark Pires Real Talk and I basically shut off the TV, since then I have not watched the NegaTube or spoken about politics. On Day 401 I broke that rule after watching the state of the union and hearing what is really going on “behind the scenes” for our country. On this episode I detail what appears to be a classic game of misdirection and how if we are a people that care about our country and it’s economic “health” as well as the opportunity that goes along with a strong economy then there is a whole other narrative that is being spun with the expectation that you are not smart enough to see