
Episode 246: Jeffrey Gettleman



Jeffrey Gettleman is the East Africa Bureau Chief for the New York Times and the author of Love, Africa: A Memoir of Romance, War, and Survival. “I’m not an adventure-seeking adrenaline junky. I like to explore new worlds, but I’m not one of these chain-smoking, hard-drinking, partying types that just wants thrills all the time. And unfortunately that’s an aspect of the job. And as I get older and I’ve been through more and more, the question gets louder. Which is: Why do you keep doing this? Because you feel like you only have so many points, and eventually the points are going to run out.” Thanks to MailChimp, V by Viacom, 2U, and Kindle for sponsoring this week's episode. @gettleman Gettleman on Longform [01:15] Gettleman’s Archive at The New York Times [01:30] Gettleman’s Pulitzer Prize-winning work [01:30] Love, Africa: A Memoir of Romance, War, and Survival (Harper • 2017) [08:30] Tampa Bay Times (Previously St. Petersburg Times) [11:30] Fan Club [12:30] The Front Row [18:00] "Into the Heart of Fallu