Fx Medicine Podcast Central

Part 1: Holistic Pain Management: Pain Origins and Assessment



The agony of chronic pain is a huge burden on many, on both a personal and societal level. Today, in part one of Holistic Pain Management, we welcome back Ananda Mahoney, an expert in the assessment and treatment of pain. In this episode, Ananda takes us through the neurobiology and theories of pain, various assessment tools and the issues of pain in our society. Ananda also discusses what worsens and what alleviates the sensation of pain, and we'll gain some insight into integrative treatments which can offer help, especially when orthodox measures fail to relieve pain.Find out more: www.fxmedicine.com.au*****DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event something you learn here raises questions or concerns regarding your health.*****