Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

From Idea to Contract: The Inspiring Story of a First-Time Author, with Merideth Hite Estevez



Gain inspiration from the journey of a first-time author who transformed her dream of writing into a reality by taking bold action. Merideth Hite Estevez's success story involved launching a captivating podcast and partnering with a coach (yep, that's me!) to develop a winning strategy. Her talent and tenacity helped her build a robust platform, create a winning book proposal, secure an agent, and land a publishing deal in just a few years. Although she felt like it took an eternity, that's fast. Follow her story and be inspired to pursue your own writing dreams with confidence! Resources Here's the program Merideth mentions in the video (we worked together to complete her proposal and set her up for success): Merideth's website: Merideth on Instagram: @artistsforjoy Merideth's free resource, 3 Ways to Love Your Inner Artist Merideth's Creative Clusters using The Artist's Way