Friends At The Table

PALISADE 02: Into the World Pt. 2



This episode carries content warnings for body horror, descriptions of violence and injury, gun violence, death, and blood. It is said that in the lowest depths of Diadem, deep below the surface of Palisade itself,  there exists a network so ancient and so important that the people who named it were right to call it the Fundament. Most who know its name believe that it controls the Diadem itself, and could be key to bringing the long dead city back online. Others suspect that it connects to the train and power lines that run across the planet’s continents. And the most superstitious—those who know the Afflictions by name (and claim to know the proper prayers to say to keep them at bay)—believe the Fundament’s power goes beyond even that: to the seas, to the skies, to weather, and life itself. It is at the door to this mythical place that the crew of the Blue Channel find themselves now, entwined in battle with Bilateral interlopers and desperate to finish the job they were sent to do. This week on PALISADE: I