
EduAllStars Session 16 - Kevin Honeycutt



Kevin Honeycutt is kind of like a “jack of all trades” in the educational world. He is currently a Technology Integration Specialist at ESSDACK in Kansas. Kevin travels around the world speaking, he hosts a creative learning site, is an Apple Distinguished Educator, writes a blog, hosts a podcast, has co-developed a PBL approach called “Life Practice Model” and has created a film program for kids. He is passionate about meeting the needs of at-risk learners and works with kids in juvenile detention, developing approaches to re-engage the "lost" learner”. In this session you will learn about: Kevin's background in education His career as ESSDACK The Life Practice Report developed with Ginger Lewman Art Snacks Differences between the classroom and the professional development circuit Robots in the classroom! Kevin's work with kids in juvenile detention. Kevin's current passions in education