
040: Cory Vaughan, From Solar Cowboyz to SunEdison



Wow, Episode 40 of SunCast! And you're gonna love it. This is a long-ish intro, for a longer episode, so settle in for what I hope you'll agree is a fun and fact-filled episode. Today we're continuing what I have dubbed the Solar Pioneers series. I have chosen to use the term Pioneers primarily because the folks in this SunCast interview series have indeed been pioneers of business models and companies contributing to what might be called the modern Solar PV Growth era, beginning around the mid 1990's and into the 2000's growing some of today's iconic businesses. Though as we discovered last week (and this one as well), many of my guests have been in the solar biz since the 80's, and have been instrumental in helping our industry scale to become one of global importance and dominance.    I first met Cory Vaughan in 2009, and have been dying to get him on SunCast. Cory has had the good fortune of being an early team member with a front row seat to several startups that have become industry-leading bohemoths, a