Force Management

Competing Against “Do It Internally”



“Do It Internally” might be the most frequent competitor you come across. In this economy, you’re probably competing against it more than you are used to with more and more customers l considering a solution in their own company rather than making another purchase. In this episode, John Kaplan discusses how you can fight this increasing tendency. He explains how to:Prepare for discovery sessions to ensure you get all the information necessary to differentiate against “Do It Internally.”Prepare trap-setting questions.Obtain an understanding of the buying company’s political landscape.Explain the merits of your solution without coming off as superior.Here are some additional resources:What to Do When You're Competing Against Do It Internally to Ask the Right Questions in Your Sales Conversation Differentiation: 5 Ways to Trap the Competition with the Buying Process: The Power of the Mantra Ascender,