Westminster Presbyterian Sumter

Obsession, Maturity, & Valuing Jesus (Phil 3:7-17)



Join Pastor Stuart as we continue in our series, Values. In our seventh lesson, we turn to the Apostle Paul's Letter to the Philippians 3:7-17 as we are reminded of Paul's singular focus in "forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Listen in as we learn about . . . "Obsession, Maturity, & Valuing Jesus". The value we place on Jesus can look a lot like obsession. This “Jesus-obsession” is actually a mark of maturity. When we value Jesus above everything else, we are demonstrating to everyone around us something of his true worth. Therefore, we can pray for the maturity to have a “Jesus-obsession.” So, let’s grow in knowing, loving, serving, and becoming more like Jesus, our all in all.  You can learn more about Westminster Presbyterian Church at https://www.westminsterpca.net. Find us on social media at @WPCSumter.