Westminster Presbyterian Sumter

Valuable Church (Eph 5:25-32)



Join Pastor Stuart as we continue in our series, Values. In this sixth lesson, we turn to the Apostle Paul's Letter to the Ephesians 5:25-32 as we learn that God's instruction to husbands and wives reveal Christ's love for His . . . "Valuable Church". The value Jesus bestows to the church is staggering.  This astonishing value can be seen in at least three ways: Jesus calls the church his bride. Jesus calls the church his body. The love and care Jesus lavishes upon the church is profound. Therefore, we ought to value Christ’s church. So, because of the love Jesus has for his church, let’s grow in loving the church like he does.  You can learn more about Westminster Presbyterian Church at https://www.westminsterpca.net. Find us on social media at @WPCSumter.