Kettlebrook West Bend

Philemon 1: 1- 16



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. What was your experience with conflict growing up? How have these experiences shaped the way that you approach conflict today? 2. It was said this morning that “Hurt people hurt people.” Give an example of when this has been true of someone else hurting you in your life. Give an example of when you have been guilty of this yourself. 3. When it comes to conflict, would you classify your approach as tending more towards avoiding or attacking? Why do you think this is this the case? 4. Read Paul’s letter to Philemon. In what ways do you see Paul humbling himself (and Onesimus) and honoring Philemon as he approaches him? What can we learn from Paul’s approach and apply in conflict in our own lives? 5. What might be one or two wounds that you bring into conflict with you from the past (or the present)? How might you appeal to Jesus with respect to these wounds and allow Him to begin healing you? 6. It was mentioned that the word translated as “appeal” comes from two Gr