

“Done is better than perfect.”  "If we commit ourselves to the successful completion of a task, then we personify excellence." - Halik "Whatever it takes to finish things, finish. You will learn more from a glorious failure than you ever will from something you never finished." -Neil Gaiman Getting started on your goal achievement journey is the crucial first step, one we recently covered. However, today's topic is all about Finishing! If starting is the most important step (and it is), finishing is a very, very close second. Often we find fear-based excuses are what keep us from both, starting and finishing. Consider energy and its two major forms: kinetic and potential. It's the completion of your goal which shifts its energy state from the realm of potential energy to kinetic energy. Think about an amazing book, until it is actually finished, it is only potential energy and once it is published it becomes kinetic and begins to set the world on fire! Using the acronym S.T.A.R.T. (Simple Today Actions Repeat