Leading Young

"Bad" Words



Is it okay for Christians to cuss? Have a potty mouth? To say "sad words"? To say "bad words"? To use swear words? Whatever you grew up calling them, we live in a culture where vulgar language has become a bit of a gray area and debated, even among Pastors. In this episode Caleb, Griffin, Jacob, and Micah dialogue about the purity of our words and whether or not it is actually a sin for us as Christians to use the mainstream "bad words." Jesus tells us in Matthew 15 that whatever comes out of our mouth comes from the heart. If our hearts are truly transformed, then what we say and how we speak to other people will be radically different than what is culturally normal for our current world.Our words have weight, and any words that you use to intentionally tear someone else down is a cuss (or curse) word. It is a condition of the heart that we should aim to have transformed. ( Matthew 5:22 )The way our language is transformed from the inside out is when we live a lifestyle of simpl