Life Over Coffee With Rick Thomas

The Preface to My Book, Suffering Well



On April 8, 1988, it all went wrong. I would later call that day the “beginning of woes.” I walked into our home shortly past 5 o’clock, and after a full day at work, and noticed the missing piano in our living room. I immediately knew what Had happened. My wife of nine years decided she had enough: it was time to leave. A simple note was left on the kitchen table. It read, “You’re right; we can’t go on like this. I’ll call you later.” I had shared those sentiments about a marriage impasse a few weeks earlier, not knowing how it would haunt me for years to come. Read Here: Will you help us to continue providing free content to the world? You can become a supporting member here Or you can make a one-time or recurring donation(s) here