Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

Heal and Transform: How February's Energy is Helping You Let Go of Emotional Baggage



February will be a time of emotional healing. This month is all about balance, union, relationships and opportunity, and it is the perfect time to face your emotions head on. Don't let the thought of emotional healing overwhelm you, with the right mindset, it can be enjoyable and satisfying. Discover how to harness the power of February's energy, including the Full Moon in Leo and the start of Pisces Season, to make breakthroughs in your emotional healing journey. With Mercury direct for the entire month, and no planets in retrograde, there's never been a better time to make progress. Don't miss this opportunity to transform on new levels. And remember if you are drawn to working with the energy of your ancestors, here’s the link to Heal Your Ancestral Lineage: