Jon Senior's Funky Thinkers

Pillow Fighting with Paul Williams from Fight PFC



We have all done this at some time in our life, and been told off for it no doubt, but Pillow fighting is becoming one of the new professional sports of the 21st century. It's unbelivable but true.This simple childhood game has become a Fighting Phenomenon.Paul Walker is the co-founder of Fight PFC. (Pillow Fighting championship). Along with his brother they wanted to make a combat sport that was more family-friendly as well as encouraging fitness for all.​What is FunkQuest ?FunkQuest is a fun interactive online conversation game that features five rounds.Funksters (players) view a board containing 20 individual icons (pictures)Funksters select an icon from the board which most tweaks their interest. Each Funky icon, when chosen reveals a Funky question, which may or may not be related to the icon.Potential Funksters, have to think on their feet, answering the question within the strict time limit of one minute. We are looking for answers which might include; insights, useful and amusing snippets, and things