Force Management

The Art of the Demo w/ John Kaplan



As part 2 to last week’s episode “Leveraging the technical mind”... we’re covering how to conduct demos in a way that is value-based and improves your ability to win.    All too often, companies push for a demo too early and this can take away from key value-based conversations and discovery that leads to higher margins at close.    John Kaplan joins us to explain why timing is everything. He shares the process their sales teams used at PTC to execute great discovery and ensure they had the right people in the room before moving forward with a demo. Tune in to hear how this process helped them improve their win rates dramatically.   Check out this and other episodes of The Audible-Ready Podcast at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or our website.   Here are some additional resources on demos:   Leveraging the Technical Mind [Podcast] Playing Back Your Sales Discovery Sessions [Podcast] Executing Great Discovery [Podcast]