Force Management

How to Prepare for Next Year



Force Management has launched our new product: Ascender. It is a platform solely for salespeople who own a quota. If you enjoy the Audible-Ready Sales Podcast, Ascender is perfect for you! We put out content of a similar nature every day with insights that will help you to level up in your sales career. Check out the platform here:  As the end of the year approaches, sellers are preoccupied with many things—their deals, their bonuses, maxing out their accelerators, etc. As a result, reps often neglect to plan for the upcoming year. In the haste to “get deals done,” sellers tend to disregard what matters most: pipeline generation. In this episode, Force Management Senior Director of Facilitation Brian Walsh joins us to share tips on how to take advantage of year’s end to plan for the upcoming year. He discusses: Common mistakes sellers make that cause them to be unprepared for the next year.Making the self-commitment to form an operating rhythm around generating pipeline and se