Gunblog Varietycast Radio

Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 232: Yad Sdrawkcab



In This Episode: Things are backwards so we start with Oddball with a review of the Cold Steel Espada Erin and Weer'd then discuss the news of the new year: We now have a 25th Constitutional/Permitless carry state, and maybe soon a 26th! Shannon Watts is leaving Moms Demand Action, and we speculate what her reasons might be. A woman in Philadelphia defended herself with a lawfully carried gun, and that's not even the most interesting thing about this story. Illinois is attempting to ban "Assault Weapons" and further restrict the Second Amendment to residents. The ATF is further cracking down on 80% Firearms. A friend of Erin was shot in Chicago! And saving the best for last, the Bumpstock Ban has been declared unconstitutional by the 5th Circuit! Did you know that we have a Patreon? Join now for the low, low cost of $4/month (that’s $1/podcast) and you’ll get to listen to our podcast on Friday instead of Mondays, as well as patron-only content like mag dump episodes, our hilarious blooper reels and film