Entrearchitect Podcast With Mark R. Lepage

EA491: Marios Novas - Architecture Through Film Reveals The Unseen Story



Architecture Through Film Reveals The Unseen StoryKLIWADENKO NOVAS is an audiovisual production company with a focus on contemporary architecture, urban planning and its relationship with society.The works have been exhibited at architecture film festivals such as New York, Rotterdam, Venice and New Zealand, among others, as well as biennials such as Switzerland or Seoul.Katerina Kliwadenko, a Chilean journalist, together with Mario Novas, a Spanish architect, are the people behind these works.Interested in people capable of redrawing the limits of their disciplines by questioning what they do, they develop self-managed projects, as well as commissions for different platforms and institutions. Our interest in this region comes through its constant crisis which obliged them to constantly reinvent itself.This week on EntreArchitect Podcast, Architecture Through Film Reveals The Unseen Story with Marios Novas.Learn more about Marios at KLIWADENKO NOVAS, or follow him on Instagram.Please visit Our