Make It Plain with Mark Thompson

Voting in a Pandemic with DNC Chairman Tom Perez



Tom Perez, Chairman of the DNC, says Trump's lack of leadership--including his initial denial of the seriousness of the virus and the press conferences he treats like campaign rallies--has landed us in the position our country is in, now leading the globe in the number of deaths from coronavirus. He discusses the vast differences between present-day and working with former President Obama leading the global response and preventing Ebola from becoming a pandemic; the hypocrisy in Wisconsin Republicans forcing the primary election, where the number of infected people continues to climb; voting in the November election, with concerns of another surge of the virus, and how it will be a state-by-state battle; Republicans using voter suppression to counteract their shrinking base; what proper mail-in voting should look like; a contingency plan for this summer's Democratic convention; and Biden's commitment to picking a woman. Executive Producer: Adell Coleman Producer: Brittany Temple Distributor: DCP E